2017 August

Understanding Reading Comprehension

 Aug 17 2017    |   Category: GRE , IELTS , PTE , TOEFL , Quiz
One of the most troublesome sections in English exams is reading comprehension. The challenge is that most of us are not used to reading, let alone reading with full concentration. If you are looking for a 'tip' to improve your RC performance, here it is - read more often. It does not sound much like a tip, but you will be surprised at how beneficial following the tip can be. Putting in an effort to read, for even 30 minutes each day, can dramatically improve your levels of concentration and und

Listening Test 1 – Difficulty: High

 Aug 17 2017    |   Category: IELTS , PTE , TOEFL , Quiz
The listening test contains multiple choice questions. As with most multiple choice questions in most listening tests, the answer options will have words and phrases that are a part of the conversation. This is a [tooltip tip=”Done on purpose; intentional; planned”]deliberate[/tooltip] measure to force candidates to focus on the understanding of the passage rather than marking an answer based on words or sounds of words that have been heard. As always, read the instructions thoroughly before