Subject verb 1 - Instructions
In the following questions, a part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from errors, select ‘No Error’.
What is Subject-Verb agreement?
Generally speaking, it is one of the most commonly lacking aspects especially in those whose second language is English. It is also one of the most frequent errors committed by IELTS and PTE test takers.
This book contains, pages that lists the names of all the candidates.
In the sentence above, the word lists should actually be list. This is because the subject is pages, and since it is a plural, the verb list should be in the plural form.
Sample Question
How Does it Help Me?
In writing
You will be avoiding the most common mistake that people make. That by itself will contribute towards the quality of your language improving.In Speaking
The examiner will find our speaking to be more fluid and polished. This by itself can improve you score greatly!Take this test to make everything agree!