The Bakersfield Sleep Clinic

The Bakersfield Sleep Clinic is a research and treatment centre for problems associated with sleeping, and its reputation puts it at the very top of its field. (1) _____. So, would you like to take part in some cutting-edge research into the causes of, and treatments for, these problems? Read further to learn about some of the sleep disorders we investigate here at the clinic.

Sleep apnoea

This is a potentially life-threatening condition where the muscles at the back of the sleeper’s throat relax so much that the airway becomes blocked and the sleeper stops breathing for up to 25 seconds. (2) _____. In severe cases this can happen up to 350 times a night! Obviously this condition causes extreme fatigue in sufferers, and is also linked to heart problems. Sometimes, behavioural changes such as losing weight or cutting down on alcohol can help, but often specific treatment is required.


Snoring is the subject of many jokes and considered a trivial problem by many, but for a lot of people it is a very big problem and it can affect people’s lives and relationships in several ways. The reason for snoring is similar to that of sleep apnoea. When the muscles at the back of the throat relax, the soft tissue obstructs the entrance to the throat and as air tries to pass through, the tissue vibrates and produces the snoring sound. Once again, behavioural changes may help the snorer. People are asked to lose weight, avoid excessive alcohol or heavy meals before bedtime and to sleep on their sides. All these things can help the problem. (3) ____. Here at the clinic, we are investigating other ways to help sufferers.

Restless leg syndrome

This condition affects about 5.6% of the UK population. It is a strange condition where the sufferer experiences odd sensations in the lower limbs. These sensations require the sleeper to move their legs to find relief and therefore constantly interrupt sleep. (4) _____. Again, there are some simple solutions that can alleviate the symptoms such as massage, warm baths and so on, but more research needs to be done into the problem to find a real answer.
(5) _____. Click on to Contacts and you’ll find phone numbers and e-mail addresses.

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Questions 1-5

Read the text. Match sentences 1–5 with the gaps A–F in the text.

A. Little is known about the problem, but it is thought to be genetic.

B. This forces the sleeper to wake.

C. This can cause problems socially and at work.

D. If you suffer from any of these sleep disorders and need our advice, or are willing to participate in research, please contact us.

E. However, there are some cases which do not respond to changes like these.

F. Do you have a severe sleep problem?


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